
The United Arab Emirates and Oman face particular challenges in the areas of water management, water scarcity and desalination. Both countries are ranked in the top 10 countries with the highest water stress by the World Resources Institute.
This mission will be focussing on: watermanagement, drinking water technology, waste water technology and climate proof infrastructure.
Challenges and Opportunities
- The countries in the Gulf region are all facing water scarcity. The region has limited natural water resources; there are limited amounts of groundwater and surface water, there are virtually no rivers and little rainfall. Because too much groundwater is pumped up for agriculture, the seawater penetrates, causing the agricultural land to become saline. Despite the scarcity of water resources, the demand for water continues to increase as a result of economic development and population growth.
- The countries in the Gulf region are highly dependent on desalination due to the limited amount of fresh water supplies. This has negative results, such as a high energy bill and the residual product; salt. There are opportunities here for innovative and technological solutions by Dutch companies.
- The rising demand for water requires large investments to guarantee the drinking water supply and infrastructure. Here too there are opportunities for Dutch companies.
- Agriculture is the largest consumer of water in the region. The relationship between agriculture and water is reflected in the themes of groundwater use, soil salinization and water efficiency.
- Challenges in both countries are limiting the use of groundwater, energy efficient desalination, reuse of treated wastewater, water efficiency.
- The Netherlands, a land of water, has been active in the region for years. There is strategic water cooperation with Oman, delegations have regularly visited the Amsterdam International Water Week, and water is one of the focus themes for the EXPO Dubai in 2021.
- The increasing demand for water, as a result of population growth and economic development, will require investment to match supply and demand. In both countries, investments are expected in the coming years to increase the desalination capacity for drinking water, to expand and renew distribution networks, for the storage of water supplies, and for wastewater treatment plants.
Market opportunities by country
Watermanagement |
Drinkingwater technology / waste water technology |
Oman |
Water safety, water data management, groundwater management, storage, water efficiency, water for agriculture |
Using purified wastewater, desalination, energy efficiency, zero brine technology |
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